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Thursday 25th February 2021

What's happening today?


  • Before our meeting enjoy your reading book.
  • 9.20 - 9.40 Meet me online at 9.20 to join our Science lesson and to meet my family!
  • Science Activity, following on from our live session - see below
  • AssemblyIt is the Jewish festival of Purim today and tomorrow. There is an assembly you can watch to find out more. The assembly is on the Teams Assembly Channel or you can follow this link.
  • Brain Break - Time to wiggle, today it's a song with actions - but can you keep up? 
  • Maths - Continuing and creating 2D shape patters. See Below
  • Theme - Art - Carrying on from our 'Lines of all Kinds' art activity - See Below
  • 2.00 - 2.15 Meet me online this afternoon to share your portraits/photographs which show where you get your looks from! 

Science - Who do you look like?


Following on from our live lesson, today you are going to think about who in your family you look like. We have been learning about the stages human growth and how we change as we grow.


Sometimes people look a lot like one of their parents, sometimes they look like both and sometimes people look like their grandparents or even their aunties and uncles.  Some people as they grow begin to look more like their parents - like me!


Today I would like you to think about where you get your looks from thinking about your;

  • eye colour 
  • hair colour
  • skin tone
  • face shape
  • nose
  • height
  • build (body shape - longer legs or longer body)



I would like you to either draw a portrait of yourself or use some photographs and label where your features come from and any similarities and differences between you and your parents.

Brain Break

A Ram Sam Sam Dance - Children's Song - Kids Songs by The Learning Station

A Ram Sam Sam can you keep up as the song gets faster and faster!



Warm up your brain with this discussion task. 


Then take a look at these simple patterns. Can you carry on the patterns?

Can you make your own repeating patterns following these rules?



Trickier Challenge


What other shape patterns can you make today?


Theme - Art

Do you remember our art lesson of Lines of all Kinds? 

Following on from your fantastic line art - 'Lines of all kinds' today we are going to explore some more mark marking and get a chance to see how artists have used these in their famous pieces of work.


You will need today some plain paper and a pencil. 

You will also need as many as you have of:

  • felt tips
  • chalks
  • crayons
  • colouring pencils
  • oil pastels


Click on the link below to watch and follow your online art lesson.
